class HTML::Table::ColGroup::Col

This class represents an HTML ColGroup column (<col>). Despite the name, it is not a subclass of ColGroup or Table.

Public Class Methods

indent_level() click to toggle source

Returns the indentation level for the tags of this class. The default is 6.

# File lib/html/col.rb, line 28
def self.indent_level
indent_level=(num) click to toggle source

Sets the indentation level for the tags of this class. The default is 6.

# File lib/html/col.rb, line 35
def self.indent_level=(num)
  expect(num, Integer)
  raise ArgumentError, 'num must be >= 0' if num < 0
  @indent_level = num
new(&block) click to toggle source

Creates and returns a new ColGroup object. Optionally takes a block. Note that it does not accept an argument - col tags do not have content.

# File lib/html/col.rb, line 18
def initialize(&block)
  @html_begin = '<col'
  @html_body  = ''
  @html_end   = ''
  instance_eval(&block) if block_given?